News from around the Church
Diocese of Arizona
- Praying for someone does not mean they should not be held accountable; praying for someone does not endorse their beliefs or their actions. Praying for someone means to hold them intentionally in the presence of God’s love. The post Pray for Those Who Persecute You appeared first on Diocese of Arizona.
- On Sunday, some of us heard the story of the flight to Egypt of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, and their return to Nazareth. The passage omitted the Massacre of the Innocents (Matthew 2:16-18), but that part of the Gospel story has been on my heart because of the violence last week. The post Innocents appeared […]
- The word "posada" is Spanish for lodging, accommodation, inn, etc. This Latino tradition commemorates the journey that Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem. People dress up and lead a procession of musicians and singers to various houses. People in the procession sing until a host (sometimes a church) welcomes them in. The post […]
- “And the Word was made flesh, and lived among us.” – John 1:14 I am reflecting on Jesus as the Word of God this year. Surrounded by words and images every day that compete for my time and attention, here is a different kind of Word. The words of the world are insubstantial; this Word […]
- Presiding Bishop Rowe is articulating his vision for the Episcopal Church in the next nine years, and he is re-committing us to articulating that vision in terms of the Kingdom of God. Jesus speaks a lot about the Kingdom of God in the gospels—it is like a mustard seed, a pearl of great price, yeast, […]
- The Forma Conference 2025 will be a hybrid experience, with online content offered in English and Spanish at local in-person gatherings. The post FORMA Conference 2025 appeared first on Diocese of Arizona.
Episcopal News Service
- [Episcopal News Service] This weekend Episcopal dioceses and congregations nationwide will honor the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at a variety of services and special events. While the civil rights […]
- [Office of the Archbishop of York] 184 solar panels on the roof of York Minster were switched on for the first time Jan. 9 during a blessing ceremony led by the dean […]
- [Anglican Church of Canada] Mothers’ Union has elected its first worldwide president from Canada — Kathleen Snow, a board member at the international Anglican charity and parish nurse at Christ Church […]
- [Anglican Communion News Service] At a meeting of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO), which gathered in Kuala Lumpur in December, the commission issued a communiqué following […]
- [Episcopal News Service] One week ahead of Inauguration Day, over 400 Episcopalians gathered live via Zoom to learn about the current U.S. legislative environment and what they can do to […]
- [Anglican Journal — Anglican Church of Canada] Churches and other charitable organizations across Canada are awaiting confirmation on a proposed extension to the Canada Revenue Agency’s annual deadline for charitable […]
Anglican News Service
- The Secretary General has visited Santiago in Chile, to attend a ceremony for the installation of the new Primate of the Iglesia Anglicana de Chile (Anglican Church of Chile), the consecration of the new Bishop of the Diocese of Santiago and the farewell to the Most Reverend Hector Zaval Muñoz (Archbishop Tito).
- Locally and nationally, the Episcopal community has rallied to support those impacted by the devestating firestroms in Southern California.
- Young people with a passion for theology are being invited to submit contributions expressing their views on the Ecology and Climate.
- Calling the Church to prioritise Christian Unity will be the focus of webinars facilitated by the Anglican Communion Office this January.
- The Presding Bishop of Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Sean Rowe, has shared his Christmas message.
- "Let us call and lean on the Prince of Peace, who will rule with Justice and Righteousness. Let us abide in Him as long as we live."